Manufacturer | CSUN |
Array Rating | 6kW |
PV Technology | poly-Si |
Array Structure | Fixed: Ground Mount |
Installed | 2013 |
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CSUN Polycrystalline Silicon Array, Fixed Ground Mount.
CSUN is a professional and leading manufacturer of solar modules and solar systems with extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry.
CSUN Polycrystalline panels possess industry leading conversion efficiency, every panel produced has the positive power tolerance that covered by the third party insurance- Power Guard. CSUN Polycrystalline panels not only have very good anti-PID performance, but also excellent performance under low light conditions.
The above technology description has been supplied by the manufacturer. The Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre is pleased to provide a platform for information sharing while not endorsing specific claims made about technologies installed at the site.
Array Rating | 6kW |
Panel Rating | 250W |
Number Of Panels | 24 |
Panel Type | CSUN 250-60P |
Array Area | 39.9 m² |
Type Of Tracker | N/A |
Inverter Size / Type | 6 kW, SMA SMC 6000A |
Installation Completed | Wed, 14 Aug 2013 |
Array Tilt/Azimuth | Tilt = 20, Azi = 0 (Solar North) |

Notes on the Data
Metering failure
Circuit breaker supplying the metering equipment for sites 23-38 tripped off on Aug 19th and was discovered and turned back on on Aug 23rd. This resulted in a lack of generation data for these sites during this time but did not stop the sites from physically generating.
System Disconnection for Cabling Works
All arrays at the Solar Centre were disconnected from approximately 2.00pm to 3.00pm on Monday, 9 July 2018 in preparation for the cable between the main switchboard and distribution board being upgraded. Array sites #23-38 remained disconnected while the main feeder cable to these sites was replaced in subsequent days, but all systems were re-connected by early afternoon on Thursday, 12 July 2018.
System Outage at Australia Day Long Weekend
A breaker tripped at around 12.30pm on Friday, 26 January, likely due to high generation levels reached at this peak time on this high irradiance day. Connection was restored after the Australia Day long weekend at around 11.30am on Monday, 29 January but shortly tripped again.
UPDATE 26-02-2018. The cause of this reoccurring issue has been identified and will be rectified. The solution requires the upgrading of a key distribution cable. This should be completed in the coming months.
Connection Restored After Christmas/NY Period
Arrays have been re-connected following the outage that disconnected multiple sites from Christmas day 2017. The outage is believed to have been triggered by the tripping of two circuit breakers in separate distribution boards, making the diagnosis initially elusive. The ability of the common circuit shared by these arrays to keep abreast with increasingly high current demands as new arrays are installed and generation conditions are high is presently being addressed. For the same reason, intermittent outages persisted in the summer of early 2018.
System Outage at Christmas/NY Period
A system outage was caused by a circuit breaker trip at approximately 2pm on a high generation day shortly after installation of a new array at the DKA Solar Centre. The outage commenced on 25 December continuing into the new year and is being addressed.
System Outage for New Array Connection
Sites 23 through to 37 experienced an outage today from 11:10 to 11:50. The outage was due to the local distribution board being temporarily being taken offline to allow for the connection of a new PV system.
Monitoring Interruption for UPS Battery Replacement
The disconnection and re-connection of the solar arrays and weather station equipment while a new site connection was being established prompted the already flattening UPS batteries which power the site’s energy meters to fail and require immediate replacement. Data recording was affected from approximately 2.30pm ACST, Monday 10 July to 4.00pm, Wednesday 12 July.
Affects weather data for DKASC, Alice Springs
Partial System Outage
One of the major switchboards at the DKASC lost power yesterday 01/12/2016 at ~11:00 am. This isolated and shutdown array sites 23 through to 37 inclusive. The switchboard was re-energised at ~16:30 today (02/12/2016) and is again operating normally. Data for this period for these sites is lost.
> Answer to Spotlight Question
Onsite at the DKA Solar Centre in Alice Springs are a series of quiz-like Spotlight Questions at each array. Visit the centre and scan the QR code at each sign to test your knowledge – and check your answer here!
Q: What trends have you noticed in the ratio of module capacity to inverter capacity (kW) in our Solar Centre arrays?
A: The inverter-to-module capacity ratios of the arrays in the Solar Centre vary slightly from array to array, with some instances of inverter capacities (kVA or kW) being larger than their corresponding module capacity (kW) and some, smaller or equal. Most ratios are just above 1, generally falling between 0.93 and 1.26.