The Katherine meteorological station is located at Katherine Research Station, approximately four kilometres east of the centre of Katherine in the Northern Territory. This ground-based station records the following data parameters sampled at 1-second intervals and averaged at 5-second intervals:
- Global horizontal irradiance (GHI)
- Plane-of-array (POA) irradiance
- Direct normal irradiance (DNI)
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Ambient temperature
- Relative humidity
- Rainfall
This station has been operating since April 2019 (data available shortly after) and conforms to a Class A standard by IEC 61724-1 Photovoltaic System Performance – Part 1: Monitoring.
Further technical information can be found by downloading the station’s metadata including equipment types, data parameters and measurement conditions.
The support of the Northern Territory Government is gratefully acknowledged for hosting the weather station at the premises of Katherine Research Station.